Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Long Live Roberto

This book is about a king that could pick any pet in the world but he picks a rabbit and calls it Roberto and makes it a really royal rabbit.   It is so royal he got a gold disc and crown.   The king rules a country called Ranga-Tanga-roo.  The king has lots of friends.  But one day he has two people who don't like him.   They are dogs called Flea Collar and Dog Breath who took the rabbit making the king was so sad he was giving a 1000 dollar reward away for anyone who finds his rabbit.  So Flea Collar and Dog Breath wrote a letter to the king saying,  "we have taken your rabbit.  If we give your rabbit back can we have the money? From Flea Collar and Dog Breath."   So the king did not give the money but found them and they were put into jail for kidnapping the king's rabbit.
This book was written by Rose Impey
I would tell people who like short books to read this

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